About Owner


In 2016, I started doing my research on waist beads. I wanted to know everything there was to know about WAIST BEADS. What was the purpose of waist beads? What value do they add when you wear them and much more? After completing my research I finally decided to purchase my first set of waist beads. I instantly fell in LOVE with them.  I fell in love with them so much that I started doing research on how to create your own waist beads.  

After completing more research on how to create waist beads I started creating my own waist beads for myself. Once I created my own waist beads I began to receive compliments on them and request to create waist beads for others. At the time I didn't feel comfortable enough to make them for others so I stayed away from creating them upon request. I say it was FEAR that prolonged me from creating ad starting my business quicker than I did!

Fast-Forward to November 2019, I decided that enough was enough. Next thing you know Waisted By Yaya was created. I'm glad that I took the leap of faith and now can share my handmade waist beads and handmade jewelry with the world. It was the BEST decision I could’ve every made if you ask me. If I never took that leap of FAITH! YOU wouldn’t be here on my website inquiring about my handmade waits-beads & jewelry.